Thursday 28 April 2011

Bush flower remedies for Staph and ADHD!

The Cure for Cancer Buried by the Pharmaceuticals for over 50years

This article is amazing ' Essiac is a cure for cancer. I’ve seen it reverse and eliminate cancers at such a progressed state that nothing medical science currently has could have accomplished similar results. I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I not seen it with my own eyes. I feel very strongly that Essiac is the single most beneficial treatment for cancer today.' Dr Charles A Brusch Source-

I have more resources on how to make essiac and where to get it here.. and here

The Exile Nation Project (Trailer) (Unheard Voices) (Oct 2010) [HD]

The EU's illegal ban on herbs

I wish all the people currently growing and selling herbs would continue to do so as an act of resistance against the illegal law to ban herbs in the EU that's about to come into effect. I for one will not heed this law

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