Saturday, 10 July 2010

I'm a Mac and I've got a secret...

Thursday, 8 July 2010

The Silent Prejudice of Paperwork

200th Post on Positive Impact Living!

So I don't know what you do when you've reached the 200th blog. Hmmm? Write a book maybe... Fireworks? have a party? Or I could say 'Stop Raping Your Kids go F*** Yourselves' in the great words of Angela Shelton

If you turn a blind eye to the criminal trafficking industry that is upheld in the INjustice system you're allowing kids lives to be a living hell.

I wonder how long it would take if military specialists like the Seals and the SAS were told to take out the people that run the whole thing and not the folks at the bottom of the ladder or the middle men, before this world would be a better place. I mean that's why these guys joined the specialists in the first place to kick some arse.

I'd like to see them abseiling into a cult and freeing enslaved kids; or turning up in the Congo and liberating child soldiers. Now that would be a positive impact.

Or, all the resources currently spent on conflict, going on education and empowerment to avoid conflict in the future. Go organic, get out of conflict anything; conflict diamonds, metals, ammunitions - they're highly related to conflict as is fertiliser because it's made of the same thing Nitrates. If you support the fertiliser industry; if you eat non organic food, if you sprinkle it in your garden, you're inadvertently supporting conflict in the world

Or refugees, the unemployed and the homeless given an exit strategy. Because you know there's no paperwork for these folk and sometimes they're just a form away from freedom. I know because I have been there; or they're an extortionate deposit away from actually being able to start university let alone finish it. Or a quarter of a million pounds away from being able to freely own a squalid little flat in London that you still have to pay council tax on and it takes you 25years at a crap job to keep a roof over your head.

Well I have slept better in a hammock swinging amongst the trees. So property agents can go F*** themselves. And the crap job employers are going to have to look for someone else. You can't earn enough money to live on a crap job wage anyway, you're forced into debt to make ends not meet and you can never never save. I know it used to be different but this is how it is now. If you haven't figured that out and you're in a crap job (or jobs) trying; working your blessed socks off, I'm sorry. People say don't look down upon minimum wage jobs as un-dignifying - well get F***** they are undignifying. There's more disrespect in those disposable type jobs,where you're the disposable one than almost anywhere else, no matter how much self-esteem you've got. And you can't make ends meet I know I've tried. I tried with two jobs, one full time one part time so I had no days off, I was homeless, and I couldn't make it work. You can't even save up for a deposit on flat. People that 'make it work' have parents who buy them a flat or pay their way through university, or they're business geniuses.

If someone hasn't got the right form, help them anyway. If you're a bureaucrat give them the goddam form. It's like paperworkism - a very subtle form of prejudice and segregation. If you have form IB70 then you can get a job, get a house, get insurance, learn to drive; but woe for you if you can't get form IB70 - then you're really F*****

For example I came to France in 07 and that year Sarkozy had just scrapped a scheme for people who came from the UK who hadn't bought enough National Insurance stamps to qualify for French Insurance. Now I hadn't bought enough because I had spent my life being sick with neither job nor benefits because I was too sick to sort out either - I just survived. So I arrived in France to help my family who'd had some misfortune and found myself without a box, no-one knew what to do with me. The bureaucrats themselves didn't know what to do, so how was I supposed to. I was sent on a wild goose chase.

Eventually, two years later I have discovered that a form I received when temporarily working in France (and was previously told didn't count for anything because it had 'run out') actually could have qualified me the whole time. Lucky me for doing a spot of grape picking. That's two years of my life wasted; unable to get insurance, unable to work officially, unable to settle or do anything. So thanks a bunch.

The same thing happened in the UK a lot when I was sick. I had been so ill with M.E or Chronic Fatigue and Asthma/Eczema that I couldn't get up to get water to drink and nearly died a few times. One day I felt well enough to walk to the benefits office to try and get sickness benefit. Essentially it came down to points; the form asked me if I could walk, see, hear etc. I was like 'yes, yes, yes'. The day before however it would have been 'No, no,no' and besides I wouldn't have been there, in the office, because I couldn't even move. There was no option for an illness that wasn't a permanent condition. The fact that my M.E took me several years to recover from and people don't normally recover - was only because I took the rare step of getting Tibetan Medicine which does cure chronic conditions.

So that meant no sickness benefit and I walked home because I didn't qualify for enough 'points'. I walked home feeling hopeless, feeling like S***. feeling like something society had spat out.

I'm a clever person, I could have been useful, I could have studied. If I'd had a little help. It's very demoralising to be shunned because of paperwork. Your life literally comes down to a piece of paper. And everyone else seems to have that piece of paper.

If we are going to be enlightened or civilised. If our futures are going to be different; we need LESS paperwork, not MORE. In fact possibly even NONE. No paperwork, nada. Also countries, nations need to stop forming barriers between each other. If you identify as your nationality it supports another form of racism, subtle but there, that says anyone not from YOUR country is an 'alien'. How ridiculous.

In the future nationality will be a thing of the past - hopefully only there in a cultural/traditional context.

And that would mean no-one needs a passport and you could live anywhere. And why not? Can you imagine if Columbus arrived in America and was told by the American indigenous people 'You can't stay here; you haven't got the right paperwork, sorry, go get F*****'. And what's terrible about that is that since then all the 'rights' of those same indigenous people have been taken away because 'they' haven't got the right paperwork. I say F*** paperwork, and for good reason.

Find your way out of Trauma:- The Survivor Warrior Workbook
This powerful workbook is used as a teaching tool with therapists, support groups and community education programs. It was inspired by Angela's Removing the Sword of Trauma events. It is for survivors, warriors, advocates, loved ones and supporters ready to move past pain and suffering and reclaim joy and happiness. You can use the workbook in a group, on your own or with your therapist.This workbook is 117 pages long and is a DOWNLOAD. Thank you for your commitment to healing BUY NOW $9.99

Monday, 5 July 2010

Puppet theatre brings awareness of the Child Porn Industry

Showing between 29th June and 11th July at the Rosemary Branch Theatre, London, 'Hooray for Hollywood' is a puppet/performer theatre piece for adult audiences. It represents a fractured tale set within the child pornography industry. This criminal underworld is revealed in flashes and glimpses from a child’s vantage point. Laced with black humour and a haunting live violin score, it presents a window on both human frailty and resilience. It is based on a true story.

'Raven Kaliana has chosen to share her horrific autobiographical tale of exploitation... a series of tableaux that serve to demystify a subject that society refuses to discuss the truth of. There are barely any productions I have seen that have had as strong an impact on me as this one. It touches the heart, mind, conscience and soul in a way that most West End shows could only dream of. The nightly presence of Childline at the post-show discussion that follows serves to further highlight the immediacy and urgency of the issues portrayed, and one can only hope that this piece achieves what it hopes to by provoking discussion about a subject so repellent the public at large refuse to interrogate it... ... Without bitterness or blame, Raven has produced a piece of theatre that demands to be seen by anyone that cares for children. ' Gabrielle Apicella at
Tickets are available here at Ticek Web

Mon-Sat - 7:30 p.m., Sun - 6:30 p.m., no show Mon 5 July
£10/£8 conc. Group discounts available.
Suitable for 18+ adult audiences only.
45 min./10 min. interval/30 min. post-show discussion
2 Shepperton Road, London N1 3DT
Box Office: 020 7704 6665

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Find your way out of Trauma:- The Survivor Warrior Workbook
This powerful workbook is used as a teaching tool with therapists, support groups and community education programs. It was inspired by Angela's Removing the Sword of Trauma events. It is for survivors, warriors, advocates, loved ones and supporters ready to move past pain and suffering and reclaim joy and happiness. You can use the workbook in a group, on your own or with your therapist.This workbook is 117 pages long and is a DOWNLOAD. Thank you for your commitment to healing BUY NOW $9.99

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Herbs, Diet and Superfoods for fibroid tumours or Myomas

Treatment with herbs and super foods for Fibroids, Fibroid Tumours or Myomas.

When I approach an illness I do so by first reducing the causes, and introducing foods, herbs and supplements to help.

One of the biggest factors causing fibroid tumours is caffeine/coffee, dairy, and sugar - these leach the nutrients out of your body that make your lymphatic system and hormonal system function.
Its necessary to help your liver as much as possible and to take herbs that can reduce your tumours size and prevent bleeding and associated symptoms. The herbal bitters will improve your iron absorption. If you have constipation the whole foods, superfoods and fibre rich vegetables will help. I hope the list below helps.


Take Hormone Balancing herbs - Chasteberry
Horsetail Juice and dandelion juice (in the leaves) help urination and reduce symptoms.
Burdock, slippery elm, indian rhubarb and sheep sorrel (the four symbiotic herbs in Essiac/Caisse Tea reduce tumours of all sizes as well as cleansing the liver.
Dandelion root is also superb at healing the liver.
Cinnamon, Ginger, Red Clover, Red Raspberry Leaf, Stinging Nettle, Vervain, Yarrow and Yellow Dock.


Eliminate non-organic meat, poultry and fish that contain estrogen
Eat food with more essential fatty acids.
Eliminate Caffeine (which also increases estrogen)
Eliminate fried food, margerine and oils except for Olive Oil.
Eliminate preservatives and alcohol

EAT sea herbs to reduce tumour growth
EAT Roughage from fresh fruit, veg and whole grains to improve elimination. Also almonds, spinach and parsley (for anemia)
EAT Beets, carrots, dandelion and burdock roots, and milk thistle seeds. Kelp, Tofu and whole grains. Apples, celery, leafy greens and watercress. Chickweed.
Take Evening Primrose Oil which is super for fibroids (often a cure by itself)


Muira Puama super tonifier for our womens bits

Spirulina and Chlorella - yummy iron thats easy to absorb.


You can bathe in horsetail juice and wild yam.
Also a poke root poultice and massage helps significantly.

WIth help from the excellent resource 'The Juicing Bible' by Pat Crocker and Susan Eagles

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Find your way out of Trauma:-
The Survivor Warrior Workbook
This powerful workbook is used as a teaching tool with therapists, support groups and community education programs. It was inspired by Angela's Removing the Sword of Trauma events. It is for survivors, warriors, advocates, loved ones and supporters ready to move past pain and suffering and reclaim joy and happiness. You can use the workbook in a group, on your own or with your therapist.This workbook is 117 pages long and is a DOWNLOAD. Thank you for your commitment to healing BUY NOW $9.99

Uncommon Valour

Uncommon Valour is a rap by The Rugged Man - Jedi Mind Tricks otherwise known as R.A Thorburn

Its about the Vietnam War. The second verse is actually a completely true story about his father, John A. Thorburn. He was affected by Agent Orange and it handicapped two of his children that later died early from it.

"Coming from a broken home, R.A.'s father was a Vietnam veteran affected by Agent Orange. His family was forever changed by the potent chemical — his brother Maxx was born handicapped and blind, eventually dying at the age of 10, while his sister Dee Ann couldn’t walk or speak. R.A. tells the story of his father, Staff Sgt. John A. Thorburn, in the Jedi Mind Tricks track "Uncommon Valor: A Vietnam Story"

The same disfiguring diseases are happening in Fallujah Iraq because of the toxicity in their water supplies from weapons dumps. You can see some pictures of these birth deformities here

and read an article here:-

Another reason that I wrote the Emergency Prevention Handbook which has a chapter on cleaning up contaminated sites

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Find your way out of Trauma:- The Survivor Warrior Workbook
This powerful workbook is used as a teaching tool with therapists, support groups and community education programs. It was inspired by Angela's Removing the Sword of Trauma events. It is for survivors, warriors, advocates, loved ones and supporters ready to move past pain and suffering and reclaim joy and happiness. You can use the workbook in a group, on your own or with your therapist.This workbook is 117 pages long and is a DOWNLOAD. Thank you for your commitment to healing BUY NOW $9.99

Building a Solar Water Heater

Basic Solar Water Heater Design

'If you want to stop the tales of climate doom from coming to pass. Yes reduce your carbon footprint then USE IT TO KICK SOME ARSE!'

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Find your way out of Trauma:- The Survivor Warrior Workbook
This powerful workbook is used as a teaching tool with therapists, support groups and community education programs. It was inspired by Angela's Removing the Sword of Trauma events. It is for survivors, warriors, advocates, loved ones and supporters ready to move past pain and suffering and reclaim joy and happiness. You can use the workbook in a group, on your own or with your therapist.This workbook is 117 pages long and is a DOWNLOAD. Thank you for your commitment to healing BUY NOW $9.99

President Obama reinstates the Civilian Conservation Corps

The Civilian Conservation Corps was a public relief program for unemployed men ages 18 -24 related to the conservation of natural resources in rural America between 19933-1942. It provided relief for those who found it hard to get jobs in the Great Depression.

It became the most popular program among the public providing relief for 3million people and their families it also raised the awareness and appreciation of the outdoors and the nation's natural resources especially for urban/city youth.

They planted 3 BILLION trees, 800 national parks, and built roads and public buildings and developed wild fire fighting methods.

The question is why HASN'T President Obama reinstated the Civilian Conservation Corps? To clean up the effects of the oil spill AND help the millions of unemployed as well as potentially provide cheaper housing for those families who have been foreclosed upon.

It seems to me that the bail out money could have been used much more wisely for this program, than just giving it to those Bangsters who lets face it aren't very responsible with other people's money. They haven't learnt anything either from causing a financial collapse that has literally killed people (who were driven to suicide) and forced entire families and their children onto the streets or into tent cities.

I like Mr Obama and I am on his side. He is by far the best president for a long time; he's clever and his hearts in the right place; same goes for the First Lady Mrs Obama - super first lady in my opinion. But they're up against a lot and WE need to ACT too to make a difference.
We need to stop tolerating and accepting the oil economy as a NORM. It is not a necessity; most of us have been duped into believing it is.

The first cars ran on Peanut oil, a car can now be designed to run on water, wood gas, and methane from rotted anything. All our energy needs can be provided from methane which is a clean gas, plus it is SO easy to provide you can watch a film here about the Jean Pain Composting method. Also you can fill a dustbin with a wee bit of manure like chicken, and collecting the gas from this will fuel your car which can be easily switched to run on gas. It will also provide electricity and heating and hot water for you house and fertilser for your garden. and minimise forest fires.

You can get free hot water year round using a diy solar water heater. You don't have to pay a fortune for one that looks pretty but you can't fix it youself.

There are simple ways to live without oil; lots of them. And they free you so you don't have to pay bills. They free you FOREVER and they can help very vulnerable people to survive and thrive too. Please see the Emergency Prevention Handbook - tools for optimising our adaptive capacity to humanitarian crises.

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Find your way out of Trauma:- The Survivor Warrior Workbook
This powerful workbook is used as a teaching tool with therapists, support groups and community education programs. It was inspired by Angela's Removing the Sword of Trauma events. It is for survivors, warriors, advocates, loved ones and supporters ready to move past pain and suffering and reclaim joy and happiness. You can use the workbook in a group, on your own or with your therapist.This workbook is 117 pages long and is a DOWNLOAD. Thank you for your commitment to healing BUY NOW $9.99
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