Sunday 25 April 2010

The power of listening and collective action

Jane was getting the run around by officials from her son's school when she tried to get him transferred out of the situation of bullying that caused this.

After 132 emails were sent by bloggers to the principal and superintendent of this young boy's school, he was transferred the very next Monday away from the place where this brutal attack occurred.
You can find the original article here
That is the power of listening and collective action. Although it couldn't be stopped in time. At least we can start changing things so maybe it won't happen again in the future.

If there are laws that aren't helping safeguard people - then we have to change them so that they work.

What has been done though at his old school to stop it happening again to another child?

To find out about helping people prevent and recover from Trauma, Violence and Child Abuse get the Survivor Manual, SAAM package or buy a copy of 'Finding Angela Shelton'

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