Thursday, 20 March 2008

Histamine Patches

Elaine De Lack a nurse who herself was diagnosed with M.S, Multiple Sclerosis researched and developed Histamine Patche, conducting trials on herself. She discovered that M.S patients share a common symptom of Histamine Deficiency, which can be mitigated by the use of Histamine Patches. her Symptoms reduced and she regained her health. Her story was shown on 'It's a Miracle with Roma Downey'. For sufferers of MS and friends/family of those who suffer, this is a real breakthrough and offers a ray of hope for sufferers, pass the word.

The patches are marketed as Prokarin and are provided by The O'Brien Pharmacy which is one provider I know of, I'll add more as I find them.

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Copyright 2010 Louise Brookes

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