Saturday, 28 July 2007

Free Newsletter - The P.I.L.L.S Pages

I have just published the first edition of the Positive Impact Living Life Skills Pages and included in this, as well as updates, were two articles. 'One is titled Live Long and Prosper' and is a detailed article on the subject of Longevity, who lived the longest and what they did, what they ate etc; that worked so well. The other article is called 'Creating Passive Income' and is a small incentive to do just that. So if you want to keep up to date with what's happening on this site and get special articles unique to the P.I.L.L.S pages - sign up in the box below.

To join my free newsletter, with the latest Positive Impact Living Methods and News and please fill out your information in the box below (it's confidential), it will arrive once a month and you can easily unsubscribe, thanks Louise

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I hope it's of great use to you, Thank you, Louise

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