Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Priscilla Ahn's "A Dream" Beautiful!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

'Grin and bear it'

“I was taught to always look for the good, but not for the purpose of positive living; for the purpose of accepting abuse. I was taught to minimize my own value, I was taught to hold the abusers in high regard all the while accepting the little regard they had for me. I was taught that they had value, but that I did not.” Darlene Ouimet of Emerging From Broken
This quote is an excerpt taken from this article

This is a really important quote. I've noticed a lot of positive living preachers who will bulldoze through people's feelings with 'look on the bright side statements' which immediately minimalises what a person is going through, lets whoever is saying it off the hook of actually being helpful, and it equally lets people get away with abuse. One example of that could be telling a kid who has just been hurt to 'grin and bear it' another more extreme example could be ignoring the human rights abuses of a country in favor of trade deals... Either way it's condoning abuse... And that is not positive.

'Grin and Bear it' by the way is actually defined as 'to accept an unpleasant or difficult situation because there is nothing you can do to improve it ' Well, **** that...

There is always something you can do to improve a situation. Thinking otherwise means you believe you're less than...

You're human; deserve equal respect and to never ever feel that you cannot change the environment within which you find yourself, especially if you find that it needs changing.

Monday, 20 June 2011

When You're In The Paperwork Bardo

I remember in a period of unemployment years ago they would provide enough money for acquiring a suit for interviews. Unfortunately my employment prospects were as an adventure instructor. The UK government paid for me to face a Force 10 gale in the Cairngorms in goretex comfort. As far as I know that is the sum total of any benefit I've ever applied for and received having been protected from the cold to this day!

However they would equally have let me starve in the street when I was so sick I could neither work nor access benefits, and now I'm living in the paperwork bardo not fitting anyone's box in anyone's country, I'm not sure I'm entitled even to be a refugee as I have a passport, for all it's worth. I might use it one day for the local embassy to extract me from a predicament if that still is possible nowadays. Or do they just pay someone to push you out the helicopter? Turns out learning to become a survival instructor was possibly the wisest move I ever made. After all banking, law, politics and pharmasuiticals has become a trumped up world of gangsters, and I'm inclined to hold people's welfare in the highest regard.

Once upon a time none of us needed a piece of paper to 'belong' somewhere. Now we need all sorts of pieces and whenever we can't get them we lose rights, become ineligible to have a car, a home, a country... Now we have to pay for these pieces of paper, some people pay with their lives as they have no other option and this whole system is held up by stony faced bureaucrats who have no interest in our personal well being and people who profit from other's misery.

What should have happened in situations of profiting by pushing refugees into detention is jail for the politicians and intermediarieswho were making a lot of money for every refugee they put in detention. In the USA it's become a business to jail people... people get paid per head. IN Germany perfectly good families are having their children taken away to 'fill' beds in state childrens institutions.

There's a point at which bowing our heads to the so called 'law' becomes senselessand pursuing the next N166 form or whichever ludicrous papyrus hoop you have to jump through to be in the good books of the local pharoah. I don't like the local pharoahs I've decided. Having sincerely felt for a long time, that they don't like me. I don't know why they don't like me. Is it because my life hasn't conformed, not by my choice or theirs?

You don't always have a lot of choice over the direction your life takes. For me it was an uphill sturggle from the word go. Now I've reached a sort of quasi platform of stability of my own making, having shunned the circus parade long enough to hear my own thoughts. I've been trying to find out what the hoops were I needed to jump through. I'd moved country again, by action of Life's Default button - it wasn't a choice, and have a new Pharoah who happens to speak French and Eurozonian. Evidently neither of which I understand, especially Eurozonian. The Eurozonians, of which I do not include myself even though I am technically included without my own volition, are getting it in the neck at the moment. Mainly as I understand it for putting the squeeze on all their member countries. And ordinary folks suffering because of 'sovreign debts'. They're saying we should bail out the indebted, but I am thinking probably turfing them out would be wiser. I expect none of the ordianry Greek citizens did anything differently than try and keep a roof over their heads and food in the belly's of their families, and keep running a vehicle. No the people who have nicked all the money, the theives, the highwaymen, the bandits and gangsters are the CEO's, the shareholders, the politicians, the bankers, the law makers and their protectorate, the police and the military, None of whom I personally have a problem with, but collectively have a lot to answer for. Oh wait a sec, actualy President Sarcozy, it could be personal with. As he's the one who scrapped a scheme for people like me arriving in France not having paid enough insurance in the UK to fit their system here and be allowed to exist as a person.

I am person non-grata here, through no fault of my own. I blamed myself for a long time until I really realised that I have been sick, haven't been able to breathe and would be dead had I not fought as hard as I did. when I began to see my life through glasses untinted by self judgement and the devalueing looks the stony faced bureaucrats and family gave me, I realised I've never done anything wrong. I haven't broken any laws. It seems I'm being persecuted literally for trying to breathe. And for a long time of trying to fit the system; working two jobs for no income (you don't get paid for several weeks), or one job full time 7am till 11pm seven days a week for £25 a week... (see becoming an adventure instructior) OR save up a deposit on a place and then been made jobless because the entire company closed down... made homeless because the landlord decided to do a refit, or the landlord walked round with no underwear on and then got arrested for tax evasion... You get the picture... All the while trying to fill out this form and that form and juggle P60's and P45's.

A person should not have to be a lawyer or a finance wizard to function in society. That's not a society, it's a hedgefund for lawyers and financiers. People don't view the sort of persecution I've experienced as such. I didn't either, I thought I had 'rights', and a future and access to education and so on... That's bollocks.

You only have rights if you can jump through the right hoops or have a Pharoah in the family.

I come from a family of non Pharoahs. Our peasant blood is soaked into the earth all over Europe. All my Great grandfathers died in WW1. My grandmother and aunt were killed in the Blitz. I lived longer than my own grandmother. We once owned the little Lyons Tea houses in the UK but a partner one day came into the office and literally stole all the deeds and money and ran out the door... right from under the nose of my now completely down and out ancestor. Another worked as a drill instructor at Buckingham Palace, they were a snooty lot, hifalutin... off to the opera in ballgowns etc, he had 5kids from his first marriage, 5 with my grt grt gran and then had an affair with his wife's sister, had another five children and died of TB. You don't plan for this sort of thing in life... These two women suddenly had fifteen children and no money, so my grt gran went into the workhouse along with her siblings. So runs the racket of fortune.

I have reached the point of being extremely tired of hoop jumping. I'm not sure I can look at another piece of paper even if it means I can get out of the paperwork bardo, the in betwen, the right-less limbo you find yourself when you haven't got enough points, insurance, credit or stamps, to give you access to basic human rights. I am truly in the paperwork bardo and not sure if I want to leave it. It's like the time I found I was homeless, incredibly I didn't die... I didn't cease to exist, I suddenly inherited everywhere as my address; and nowhere... in the eyes of the law... I'm not sure I want to share their myopia any more. It's a heartless cold sort of existence... where those with passports who share your citizenship are human and those without are 'illegal immigrants'. Where those with credit, are upstanding citizens and those without are valueless.

I'm sorry but we all have value. We're inherently born with it. We have natural unalienable rights that came with our beating hearts, and our barefooted ancestors who drank the cool waters of this earth. My value is in no way indicated or chosen or reduced or enlarged upon by anyone else, My value is not measured in pounds, dollars or euros. Now currences are of division and have no honour. They only seem to shine with deceit. The truest currency, more solid than any metal, is humans helping humans to survive, as we did for thousands of years, in families and clans. Each of us with a purpose, and a future. I used to want to become something. I was forever inadequate. I tried so hard to improve myself and be 'better'. And the 'world' replayed the message of my inadequacy, and hollywood superstars paraded their achievements, like glittering flag bearers I could never catch up with. So I switched channels.

If you imply I am inadequate in anyway you'll find I will not be listening to you. I will have thrown my lot in with the animals, I'd rather chance it, on the wing, flit from tree to tree, or nose around the edges of towns and houses than hang out with you and your lack. There's more than enough. Nature is abundant. We only suffer when we act like locusts.

You've created this paperwork bardo that has disenfranchised a perfectly good and useful citizen, that had a lot to offer. I could have invented some amazing things. Contributed to literature, to medicine, to science even. But you threw me out with the trash. You don't know how to value what's right in front of you.

And up till now I didn't either. The paperwork bardo showed me what's important. Freedom has nothing to do with how much credit you have, and whether you can get an accountant or a lawyer to do all your hoop jumping for you. It's all about choices; I thought I was free only if I had these choices that were enabled by the right qualifications and forms. Turns out freedom has nothing to do with paperwork at all. One of the greatest bestowals of freedom upon us comes from dwelling on the thought of death. We still get post for my late father he still 'exists' on somebody's database. Impermanence, something that can render all of our pursuits meaningless and equally precious in an instant. It laughs at us constantly throughout life.

Monday, 13 June 2011

Bursynski - The MOVIE

I would like everyone I know to see this movie and then I'd like to join a movement to bring the pharmaceuticals, FDA and individuals involved to task with actual criminal court proceedings and change how the whole government and medical establishment currently functions solely for the interests of big Pharma. I'd like you to join me so that by the end of our lifetimes our children do not have to face down such insidious abuses. And I'd like full restitution for Dr Bursynski who should be given an award for services to humanity.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

The Freedom of the Form-less

I don't give my respect lightly, folks have to earn it. I know we're facing a dire situation simply from the amount of ignorance and greed in the world, even good, clever, kind people don't know how their actions are profoundly out of touch with the reality that is their consequences.

Often the 'poor' people of the planet are more harmless in their lifestyles than all of us with our laptops and nuclear power..., their effect on this planet is like a feather falling from the sky and often they're more creative of resilience than any urbanite, they grow things, they collect their water directly where they can, whereas our effect - you just have to look around at the deserts.

Area 51 - Between 1951 and 1992, there were a total of 928 announced nuclear tests at Nevada Test Site. A 104-kiloton bomb was buried at a depth of 635 feet, and its detonation produced a crater 1,280 feet wide and 320 feet deep, moving 12 million tons of radioactive dirt in an instant and creating a hole that can be seen from space

Our 'mother' is mad at the moment... our 'mother'; the system of industries and governments that 'provide' for us has 'lost it', I don't think they ever had it. Choosing harmlessness now, is against the 'law', choosing 'freedom', choosing 'human rights' are all conspired against by the monopolizing of business. The business model is not flexible enough to become ethical and ecological. So much needs changing.. But the biggest thing we can do is to operate in realtime, to grow real things, that have real effects on our environments, real positive changes...

I'm not interested in bringing down the 'system'. Only in what I can do. I can control my choices and live more directly with my home. I can make my home resilient, I can learn to 'clean' the radiation from my environments. I can put my efforts towards finding ways to 'show' the radiation using magnetic tracer elements that attach to radioactive particles and enable them to be collected from the land and atmosphere and put it back in the uranium and plutonium mines. I can 'clean' soil using zeolytes, bicarbonate of soda, using funghi which degrades radiation significantly faster. And I can solve the root causes too... I can bring 'down' the system, by bringing 'up' the future, the sustainable, the harmless. I need 'we'. We can focus and put our collective efforts on co-operatively healing and repairing the planet. Not by trying to 'change' that which refuses to change, but simply by creating new ways of sustaining ourselves that are harmless and choosing to adhere to them instead. A group pf people responsible for cleaning the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Garbage Gyre, Fukishima and everywhere that has been contaminated. That's a great 'we', not waiting for others to do it for us.

We can use energy responsibly and withdraw from the old damaging irresponsible ways. We don't need so much but what we do need is each other, to make a concerted effort together, in contrast to our governments and industries, who in the words of a CEO aren't able to change overnight, their 'changes' take decades to implement. Which is why they're not changing or helping us change - they think in economic terms, in 'cheapest' rates and so on. Those rates are costing our future.

I believe I live on a planet that is more than the physical, I believe we are creative, genius creatures that have the capacity to turn this around. I don't think it's an 'us' and 'them' situation. It's the same equation it's always been, between the aware and the ignorant, and in the same way you would try and intervene with a suicidal person stood on a bridge, here there are crowds unwittingly stood at the edge. So many people who have put their fates in others hands. We simply have to take our fates in our own hands and stop giving it away.

I had a realization recently of the many ways I 'give away' my power... Through the many forms of paperwork and documents that tell me what I can and cannot do, who I am, what my rights are. Even if we don't throw them away in reality, we should 'cast them out' from within us. We are free human beings, free to travel where we want, when we want, without any intervention, free to live and do what and how we wish.

Anything we believe is contrary to that is simply an 'idea', a way of 'controlling'. But how can they control thousands of people who stand up and choose to belong to none but this earth and this universe. Who choose to 'go beyond borders' literally and forever. Who choose to adhere, not to nationalism or anything divisionary, but to the wider humanity.

I have found trying to live within this system; tiring, wasteful, weakening, distracting, exhausting, stressful, unhealthy, and life shortening. I've also found it a waste of time, destructive, divisionary, prejudiced and all of it unnecessary. It has never once served me or anyone I know. We are quite capable of helping each other and providing for our needs without it. I am not my national insurance number, you cannot compare me to GDP, I am not my citizenship, I am not my 'job'. What purpose do I serve? Freedom... everyones.

Obama asked the 'terrorists' to 'renounce violence' and 'respect the constitution' - you can't ask someone else to do that unless you do it yourself. I think if we unite not with individual countries, 'China', 'France', the European Union, NATO... but instead with the people who live in China, the people who live in France, the people who live on this planet... If we look beyond all the dividing lines, where division is used for the purposes of control.

If we become free ourselves, live harmlessly, live sustainably, help each other, provide freely... at least in terms of or basic needs, this world will change rapidly.

I'm not from another country or a nation, different from you and yours. We both live in the same blue home.

We don't need a 'system', we need to live in a way that is enlivening, focused, energising, calming, healthy, strengthening, life lengthening, respectful of time, constructive, creative, unifying and without prejudice. Without pre-judgement of each other. We need to value each other, now as we are, with all our ignorance and awareness.

My heart is quite tired of the old world and it's clutches. I don't think I 'can' live in it any longer. I'm all out of anything to 'give' to that old system - it 'takes' so much without giving anything in return.

I am struck by a perception of freedom that always catches me when I 'drop out', 'run away', 'leave', 'quit', remain silent when under attack by the ignorant who cannot possibly hear my words; when I'm looking elsewhere, to the future, to the life that exists, somewhere that isn't where I am trying to fulfil these 'duties' that aren't real, with their pretend pricetags.

Freedom is fundamentally anarchic, everyone that has ever become free ceases to adhere to anything, especially something negative or destructive. Freedom implies the ability to move freely; 'dom' is from the root meaning house -Dominion, in common with demesne, domain, dominant, dominate, domineer, dominie, domino, and don, and indeed danger and dungeon, comes ultimately from Latin dominus ‘lord, master’. This was a derivative of Latin domus ‘house’ (source of English dome) and, like the parallel Greek formation despótÄ“s (source of English despot), originally meant ‘master of the house’. -The prehistoric ancestor of 'free' was a term of affection uniting the members of a family in a common bond, and implicitly excluding their servants or slaves – those who were not ‘free’. It comes ultimately from Indo-European *prijos, whose signification ‘dear, beloved’ is revealed in such collateral descendants as Sanskrit priyás ‘dear’, Russian prijatel’ ‘friend’, and indeed English friend. Its Germanic offspring, *frijaz, displays the shift from ‘affection’ to ‘liberty’, as shown in German frei, Dutch vrij, Swedish and Danish fri, and English free. Welsh rhydd ‘free’ comes from the same Indo-European source.-

So this implies that if we are to be free we should unite in a common bond as dear friends. And when I say my 'free' friends I'm declaring my affection, for my ''dear and beloved'. And those who are enslaved perhaps are those who still adhere to the old system, the ways that do not serve the whole family, but only the master, while destroying life whether it be in subtle ways; insidious daily leeching from our vital force, or from taking the air we breathe and turning it bad. Even the air from the highest mountain is now no longer impure, tainted with particles that would erode our bodies. Even our bodies, as dependent as they are on certain conditions, limit us.

We can with the minds and spirits we have been given go beyond even our bodies in terms of freedom and potential, our minds and hearts have such power, such abilities; not only for physical creation but for spiritual, for relationship with the space in between things from which everything comes. There is a great 'freedom' there, that lies in the origin of all things, and every moment. It is even beyond the effects of atomic particles, of free radicals. And as humans we have this possibility of finding this precious gift, within our lifetimes.

Don't limit yourself to the garden; to the seed and the soil, but question where does that seed and soil come from, what prompts the flower to grow and become itself... There is no paperwork that can grasp that or measure it. Potential is truly our secret weapon, and love likewise... When a person expects the tip of a knife to hurt and yet through the blade courses only compassion, healing and life... using such a knife we can cut away the old bonds.

With those bonds, we limit ourselves to the bureaucracy, to the urbane, to the passing of time, to the strictures of expectations, to the roles, and the defining words. To live in this country I needed Form N166, in the old country I needed to pay National Insurance, in this country a social security number, in the old country I was fastened to another number.

I couldn't keep up with the number. I fell behind, I slipped off the edge of the forms... P45, P46 Employment contracts, 'Sickness benefit', P60 'End of year earnings', Self Declaration of Yearly Earnings; Council Tax Declaration Category A,B,C,D, Car Tax, Passport Forms, Pension Forms, Refuse Collection Rates, Utility Bills for water, electricity, communication, maintenance... Car insurance, House, Health, Holiday, House, Contents, Land, Pets, Personal Injury, (Insurance against death 'Life Assurance'!)... Marriage Contract, Prenuptial Guarantees, Commercial Insurance, Public Liability Insurance, Employers Liability, Premises Security Guarantee, Child Benefit Allowances, Housing Benefits, Declarations of In-Validity benefits, Carers Support Forms, Income Support; (If your employee doesn't pay the rates the employer has to do the paperwork to pay the court fines from their employees salary). Association paperwork, the law society, Protection Against Malpractise, School Registration, Teacher's association, Trade unions forms, Doctor's forms, Bank forms, Loan and credit, debit and mortgage forms, College forms, Criminal record forms...

Is it any wonder I'm finding it difficult to con-form. I have this wish to never sign any form every again. It's fiery and fierce in my heart. I want to shake all of it off like dust. All of the trappings. to wander freely like the yogis once wandered across Asia.

In Tibetan Buddhism there is a practise called 'taking the essence'. The master has gained so much mastery over his mind and body that he can even control the elements of his body. He takes 'essence pills' full of minerals, and flower essences, practises controlling the breath and the energies within the body. There are side effects; the ability to control the temperature of the body, telepathy, control of the dreams, bliss...

One day he can absorb the light of the sun and the various elements and it is enough, he needs nothing else to sustain him. And later on he can dissolve his body into it's elements at death, it's called the 'rainbow light body' or he can choose to inhabit an eternal 'vajra' body, his light body, capable of appearing and disapearing at will, travelling vast distances, multiplying, restoring life, entering another body or consciousness.

It appears to us as magic, and yet it is science. It can only be approached with three qualities; the altruistic intention, true insight into reality and the wish for freedom. And of these, altruistic intention or compassion, is the most necessary, you can reach this potential with compassion alone and yet of the other two qualities both require compassion as well.

It begs the question what are our basic needs? Well even the buddha needed a bowl of rice milk for strength to continue in his practise. In Asia back then it was possibly for him to wander. He did not have to stop his meditation to fill our any forms. Can you imagine if upon taking his seat beneath the bodhi tree, someone had approached him, the owner, and said 'You can't sit here, it's private property...' I'm sure the owner would have stood no chance. The most powerful mind can win all the battles.

Here, not having the right paperwork can limit your rights. Now you do not have human rights, because you don't have the right paperwork. All of this paperwork is supposed to be providing us with freedom, with more rights and yet it actively oppresses and prevents us pursuing our intrinsic freedom. We have to tick all the boxes to belong. Except I don't fit any boxes. I slipped off the edge of the forms...

By signing these forms I give power for people to manufacture and drop bombs in my name, to further limit my freedoms by forcing me to choose 'medicine' created in a laboratory and not the natural herbs I would prefer, forcing me to assist corporations monopolising and corrupting the foodsupply and making it unhealthy and inedible, forcing me to protect the interests of people intent on mining, manufacturing, warring, controlling and destroying, forcing me to assist those would take the rights from others through slavery, crime and corruption.

I am intent on restoring, re-storying, changing my story. I may have to rewrite all the rules, because the rules no longer serve us. It's no longer a matter of civil disobedience, it's uncivil. Because the constraints society forces us to adhere to are uncivil, inherently prejudiced, marginalising, undemocratic, capitalistic and ballistic.

I cannot live harmlessly if my only choice for energy is nuclear power. I cannot live harmlessly if you won't let me use natural gas made from compost and waste as by far the most harmless alternative available everywhere right now.

I can't live harmlessly providing for my basic needs if I have to drive three hours to find and fill out your paperwork, using petrol and chemicals which are changing our climate and polluting our land and oceans. It's killing birds and animals and people.

I can't live harmlessly if my water supply is through pipes ripped from the earth.

I can't live harmlessly if my food is brought from thousands of miles and through intensive processing using masses of chemicals that kill and enslave.

People are worried about being unemployed. Why? You have so much to do. We don't cease to exist without a job or house... We need to work together, we need to produce food wherever we are. So much land has NOTHING in it! (Well it does but not ENOUGH). People have land that is empty when it could be stacked with food using vertical growng, aquacultures, permaculture, magic gardening and fuel supplies using the Jean Pain Composting method... Offering a home for animals, birds and bees struggling to find habitats.

We could be abundant. Not just one crop but multiple crops all in the same few metres. We need to create food right up to the canopy layer. We NEED a protective canopy layer. The green skin of the earth is what creates our weather protects our soils, mediates the radiation from space AND our atmosphere.

We need to turn our backs on the money and the form requirements - We CAN grow! We need to focus on what we CAN do together. GROW GROW GROW and create your freedom. It's not that nothing is possible. It's not that there are walls that are too high to climb - they're just idea walls they aren't real. You can tell what is real and what is not by asking a simple question 'If I die tomorrow what will remain because of me?' Everything that falls away is unimportant, everything that remains is...

It's not that you're in debt - what for? For travelling freely, for building a home? Did the first tribes need to pay off debts when they crossed the oceans and climbed the mountains? Were they yoked to mortages? Are we any different to them...? NO!

Without a job, without a home, without money; you are still standing. We have each other. We have where we are and where we go and what we choose to focus on. We can gather seeds and plant them. We have places that remain free.. We have places without forms.

I am becoming formless. I am becoming free. And the first step is to see where you 'think' you are not free, and shake it off like the dust that it is. We are incredible creators. As much as we bear witness to the destruction on this planet we will bear witness to our ability to create ways out of it; ways even where there are none. We don't have to change the unchangeable, we don't have to convert the unyielding, we don't have to squander all our energy on trying to make the 'blind with ignorance', see.

We only have to take steps to turn around and put our foot forward 'The hardest thing in the world is to simplify your life, it's so easy to make it complex.The solution maybe for a lot of the world's problems is to turn around and take a forward step, you can't just keep trying to make a flawed system work.' (From Chris Malloy's film 180 Degrees South)

So make connections, network, create co-operatives, housing co-ops, work co-ops, with the aims of repairing, growing, creating, solving, strengthening, calming, healing, enlivening, focused, energising, healthy, strengthening, life lengthening, respectful of time, constructive, creative, unifying and without prejudice, valueing... And if you're doing any of those things you're on the right track. But if what you're doing is tiring, weakening, distracting, exhausting, stressful, unhealthy, life shortening, a waste of time, wasteful, destructive, divisionary, prejudiced, and unnecessary.

There is a simple lesson you learn as a survival instructor. It's the energy equation. So often survival is about energy; calories over time. How much energy you need to expend to survive and the corresponding energy necessary to consume to be able to do that. The best survivor is someone who consumes energy the most efficiently. I hazard a guess that our future survival as much as our past hinges upon this simple equation. Of course we could master this energy equation, we could get incredibly good at transforming energy, at creating and optimising our adaptivee capacity, that is our ability to create the resources we need to survive, to adapt to our changing situations and environment. We can change our environments, we can recognise how everything interacts, how energy morphs from one form physically manifested to another.

What's crazy, what's really mad, is that we have, with the supercomputers of our minds and bodies; the ability to manipulate space, not just with our hands, but with our minds, with our thoughts and feelings. You want to see magic, well there it is, right there. We've barely begun to grasp this as a race. A precious few have figured this out.

When I talk about magic gardening, I'm not talking about growing a few spuds...I'm talking about mastering the energy equation. Mastering your thoughts, your environment, the elements of your body, you love quotient - that is your ability to experience and create bliss. Because the bliss quota is what everyone's missing. It's our true nature. It's what we're made of, actually it's our common bond with the entire universe. When science captures that element and puts it in a petri dish, then we'll be able to travel beyond the speed of light and time. But we already have a petri dish... ourselves. We're the laboratory, we're in the lab of our own making. We're the eyes of the world. Space is not something that exists out there, beyond the confines of our atmosphere. It's right here in our bloodstream. So you see formlessness can indeed be interpreted in some interesting ways. Formlessness is what we're made of as taught in the Heart Sutra:

Form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form ;

emptiness does not differ from form, form does not differ from emptiness, whatever is emptiness, that is form,

the same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness.

all truths are marked with emptiness ;

they are not produced or stopped, not defiled or immaculate, not deficient or complete.

in emptiness there is no form nor feeling, nor perception, nor impulse, nor consciousness ;

No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind ; No forms, sounds, smells, tastes, touchables or objects of mind ; No sight-organ element, and so forth, until we come to :

No mind-consciousness element ; There is no ignorance, no extinction of ignorance, and so forth, until we come to : There is no decay and death, no extinction of decay and death. There is no suffering, no origination, no stopping, no path.

There is no cognition, no attainment and no non-attainment.

It is because of his non-attainmentness that a Bodhisattva ( a being who dedicates all their lives to liberating others from suffering), through having relied on the Perfection of Wisdom, dwells without thought-coverings. In the absence of thought-coverings he has not been made to tremble,

he has overcome what can upset, and in the end he attains to Nirvana (and beyond)

All those who appear as Buddhas (awakened ones) in the three periods of time (past, present and future) fully awake to the utmost, right and perfect Enlightenment because they have relied on the Perfection of Wisdom.

Therefore one should know the Prajnaparamita - Hridayam (the Perfection of Wisdom and Hridayam means of the 'heart') as the great spell, the spell of great knowledge, the utmost spell, the unequalled spell, allayer of all suffering, in truth -- for what could go wrong ? By the prajnaparamita has this spell been delivered. It runs like this :

'Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond, O what an awakening, all-hail ! -- or gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha'

(Bodhi means one who is free of greed, hate and delusion, or has achieved enlightenment. And Svaha means 'so be it' or hail, it's a form both of honouring and manifesting.)

This completes the Heart of Perfect Wisdom as told Sariputra by Avalokita the Holy Lord and Bodhisattva who moving in the deep course of the Wisdom which has gone beyond, looked down from on high, He beheld but five heaps, and He saw that in their own-being they were empty.

Lead me from the untruth to the truth. Non-existence to existence. Non-reality to Reality.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (Peace Peace Peace)

(From the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad)

-'This is true prayer—the seeker’s admission of his sense of limitedness and his heartfelt cry for assistance in transcendence. It is not a prayer for the things of the world. It is not a pray for food, shelter, health, partnership, riches, success, fame, glory or even for heaven1. One who recites these three mantras has realized that such things are full of holes, soaked in pain and, even in abundance, will forever leave him wanting. It is in this full understanding that one turns to this prayer. The essence of each of these three mantras is the same: "O, teacher help me free myself from my sundry misunderstandings regarding myself, the universe and God and bless me with true knowledge.'

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The Most Disgusting Article I Ever Read

You can read it here.... I thought it was a joke. But no its real. I wonder are they feeling guilty coz of the kids dying of asthma because of what they do... Not being able to breathe wow thanks - that should be a human right you know and they should be done for human rights abuse. I remember my asthma school, Shell oil company came along and took photos of us in these jumpers with the Shell logo on and then the jumpers got taken away
I couldn't walk before I was 4years old because of car fumes, and industrial pollution. I watched friends die, not in a war, but because they couldn't breathe. Because the world created this monster. And I nearly died alot. Bloody miracle I'm here and healthy - no thanks to them.
People then say, 'But they can't be that bad - theygive to charity' Thats why all the rich folk have a foundation, like the Rockerfella foundation or the ones that back GM research, all run by the same money/powergrabbers. Grrr! I'm such a gentle person, I don't like getting angry... but if I ever met one of these suits Iwould tear them apart with my words, so hard they would never be able to go back to work. Ironically I was on those inhalers for decades and now I have one for emergencies. Which is ironic as the same inhalers were responsible for my nearly dying. I now learned the buteyko method of breathing, stopped dairy and stress as much as possible and have some herbs for asthma... Also tbetan stuff helped a lot as did a mineral supplement called Maximol and Natures Plus cleanse kit too.... inside out healing. And talkingabout my EMOTIONS really really helps a lot...
15000 people have recommened that coal cares site... We're doomed. We at Peabody want to make Asthma-Related Bullying (ARB) a thing of the past' I'll give them asthma related bullying. I've got asthma directly related to them, and boy I wish I was a bully and they weren't a giant corporation because I'd put them head first in a pile of coal dust and ask them to breathe deeply... Or take steroids all their life... or do their shopping while carrying another human and being underwater, as thats what its like. These people have been doing water torture effectively to people with their work... stopping us breathing... for money. And we don't need coal. There's enough power from renewables for the whole planet and you can driveyour car on methane gas.
'"But why should weak lungs mean the end of your social life? We are excited to help a whole new generation of children hold their heads high while inhaling." Angela Smith-Wooten, President of Peabody's Global Corporate Social Responsibility Division. Weak lungs my ****. If my lungs were weak I wouldn't be here. I have strong lungs because Im still alive after breathing in all their crap. I don't want their stupid steroid puff puff. That I had to take, which stopped my own body producing steroidds naturally until I healed myself. 'How can we afford not to? Coal is a $7 billion per year industry, producing more than half of all U.S. electricity. We know we can't do this without you, the consumer, and especially without your children, who will continue consuming coal long after you're gone. We depend on your children's mental well-being and goodwill.' WTF! WTF! Notice how they write MENTAL well being... coz your kids and grandchildren will be really messed up.
Well here's one consumer you'll have to do it without... Bye then. And if anyone who reads this has any sense you'll bring down the coal industry too for good. So as kids can breathe again and learn to walk before they;re four years old, and not died when they're eleven, or before that.
Peabody Energy has put a price on killing children - making $7billion is too much to stop. Know what, they'd probably do it for 70 cents.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Lara Logan, Genderism, Journalism and Quality.

You know I think Lara Logan is one of the few journalists to still be saying it like it is, and I don't think her terrible experience in Egypt is going to stop that happening, I think instead it will inform it.

For example the Tahir Squre story of celebration of the end of a dictatorship turned out not to be the biggest story - the biggest story in my mind was evidenced by the mistaken racism unleashed, and in particular genderism shown by the random men in that square who felt able to take Lara's life in such a violent manner without any retribution...

That she got away was entirely because of her fighting spirit and chance - landing in the lap of an egyptian women and initially being protected by them (and a few men) and then also by the actions of her team in initiating the help of the egyptian army.

The entire 'woman bashing' was one of many similar events going on across the world but in particular unfolding in north african countries and many places where men still 'rule' so to speak. And women as whole are regarded as 'less than'.

I myself have suffered a lot of unwanted attention from north africans and middle easterns who seem to have no idea of appropriate behaviour with women. It's not just them I've encountered it from men from any background but it seems to proliferate in societies and situations where women aren't respected as equal.

Lara is like the opposite of an oppressed woman and yet here she's suffered something so many women suffer, which journalism needs to address. It's not a back story, this issue of inequality between women and men, it runs right through the middle of the revolutions in the middle east.
People need to associate with societies with such rampant inequality, with more awareness. If you see no women in the picture it's because they're not included... And the amount to which they are shows how much say they do and don't get in matters pertaining to their rights and to society in general.

I refuse to be looked down upon by anyone for any reason and I will not do that to others. None of us is 'less than' for any reason whether it's because we're a woman or child, because we do or don't have a passport, or a house or a job. Nor is anybody 'more than' for any reason whether it's status, property or money... I think Lara is fearless.
She has fearlessly shared an absolutely soul annhilating experience, in her words to 'break the silence'

And she is fearlessly facing her fears in order to one day be back in the game she chooses. I expect her experience may choose somewhat for her. Things like this don't happen for no reason.

You might think fearlessly facing fears is an oxymoron - it's not, because I've done it, many people have done it. When you have fear and you continue anyway you don't do it with nothing, you do it with courage. Unfortunately suffering a trauma can massively amplify a fear, especially if you had no idea how long it would go on for, 25minutes can feel like 25 years and all the emotions and thoughts therein.

I would like to ask a few questions I'd like answered in my lifetime.

One can Muslim/Islamic countries have equality between men and women? For that matter can western countries truly have that too? We've tried at least and some are better at it than others...

Can we take the system of abuse and control that's in our society and our homes and workplaces, out of our heads and hearts; out of our speech and our bearing?

Can we stop chucking weapons and armies around for corpolitical or politorate interests? And perhaps use them in a humanitarian manner... to protect the innocent and oppressed, to recover from disasters not create them...?

And having asked those questions how can we answer them. I think the Lara Logans of this world are doing a fine job of that... And they're everywhere. The ones who create answers are the Egyptian woman whose lap she fell in somehow after being dragged by the mob... her answer was to wrap her arms around Lara. And the women and men with her.. their answers were to draw around Lara and to fend the mob off with water; no guns, no ammunition, water... Water to protect the innocent.

When that is the armies job isn't it... I see no victory in death. I see no celebration in violence. I see it in a stranger opening their arms to protect a stranger picked on by a mob created not just by their own actions, but by all of the conditions that led to their actions. All of the anti Israel, and anti-Jewish rhetoric they had downloaded but in particular all of the anti-woman words, action and silence they had grown up with that reinforced that. The middle east and Muslim countries like these don't evidence respect for women... This is not respect for women...?? And Lara's right when she says it 'Should not be happening'.

We have to detoxify ourselves of inequality in all ways, in speech, in behaviour... in thoughts and feelings... It doesn't mean we all have to look the same; inequality is not countered by sameness... By not being anti-race or religion or gender, you don't have to be 'for' something... you can just refuse to be against. It's about equality of respect... of existence... of value and self esteem... Not looks, beliefs, politics, nationalism and gender...
I am proud to be the same as you, neither less than nor more than. It's about quality, not inequality or equality...
What is the quality? Lara Logan has it. Do you? Does your family, your work place? Does your school? What about your country? Does your religion have it? Are you 'less than' or 'more than'? And what are you if you're neither?

You can watch the story of her experience here

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Bush flower remedies for Staph and ADHD!

The Cure for Cancer Buried by the Pharmaceuticals for over 50years

This article is amazing ' Essiac is a cure for cancer. I’ve seen it reverse and eliminate cancers at such a progressed state that nothing medical science currently has could have accomplished similar results. I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I not seen it with my own eyes. I feel very strongly that Essiac is the single most beneficial treatment for cancer today.' Dr Charles A Brusch Source-

I have more resources on how to make essiac and where to get it here.. and here

The Exile Nation Project (Trailer) (Unheard Voices) (Oct 2010) [HD]

The EU's illegal ban on herbs

I wish all the people currently growing and selling herbs would continue to do so as an act of resistance against the illegal law to ban herbs in the EU that's about to come into effect. I for one will not heed this law

Monday, 28 March 2011

Just Keep Going, You Got Nothing To Lose

I love this little film very much! What does freedom mean to you? What about the meaning of life? What's the meaning of your life?

Crimes of Science

Pharmaceuticals and drugs companies rarely if ever provide medicine that cures a condition. Only suppress or control it often and usually with terrible side effects, and sometimes resulting in early death. For example I have been given steroids all my life for asthma - in other traditions like Tibetan and Chinese medicine this would have been cured when I was a child. The same goes for diabetes, severe arthritis and many forms of cancer. Herbal medicines often right the imbalance in the body that predisposed a person to an illness so they no longer have the symptoms. I am now having to balance withdrawal from a lifetimes medicines which stop my body from producing its own natural steroids with adopting healthier alternatives.

Drugs companies motive seems so often these days to be profit over welfare. I have only seen a handful of medical miracles - like spray on skin for burns patients, and surgical procedures that DO cure a condition or relieve it. Everything else seems geared towards reseach grants and propping up the pharma industry and professionals outrageously highly paid with little results

I have spent my life searching for solutions for my own health issues and for others both inside and outside the western medical tradition - mainly because it offered me none. And often impeded my progress. I noticed I was only benefitted if I was nearly dying - and we must remember that for 500yrs the medical profession of the west has studied the dead and the ill. From victorian open studies of cadavers to the study of how much dosage a human should have based on the point at which laboratory animals die having consumed however much drug it takes to do that.

It is a pathologically based system.

Only recently is it beginning to study the healthiest people in the world and adopt alternative systems of medicines especially for chronic illnesses because they have proven so effective.

Recently they have banned 60 different herbs. They hold up a handful of negative case studies as a reason, carefully compiled from around the world. When at least 50000 people or more are dying every year from western drugs related sideeffects I call that an abomination and a crime. We go to health professionals because we trust them to know more than we do. Well it strikes me that this has become a dangerous misplacement of trust. MRSA and other germs have got out of hand in hospitals. I have heard many stories of people given antidepressants who then become suicidal. I have lost friends who have comitted suicide after taking these drugs. And I have also had friends who stopped taking them because they recognised this in themselves. It is about time these crimes of science were looked at and addressed and responsibility placed on the heads of those who profess it and carry it out.

Some of the ‘banned’ herbs are the reason I am here, they helped me heal significantly. They were once part of our everyday diet, as simple as the salads you buy in the supermarket. The real reason they have been banned is because they have become a huge competition to pharma drugs because they work. Not only do they work but they don’t cost very much and frequently grow abundantly in the wild.
If you want this economic centred focus to take away your rights to freedom and well being – go right ahead, don’t say anything, remain silent. But if you want to retain your rights, have these flaws of the scientific industry investigated, addressed and reformed – then say something. We owe it to ourselves, our children and the people we have lost because of the myopia of science and the greed of corporations in the health industry.

I appreciate hearing your views of your experience with modern and alternative medicines!

Thank you


Copyright © 2011 Louise Brookes

Friday, 18 March 2011

The Opposite of Devastate

People are reeling from terrible things
In this world

Falling out and melting down

In this world
I find myself in
People are reeling from terrible things.

Quaking, rumbling and tumbling

And running and rushing

And waiting - for help

After this shock

Can we erupt with a love quake?
Defend the helpless
With effort that's a magnitude 10.
Open our hearts like an ocean?
Fuse the estranged with the notion; you are not alone.

Can we react with a fission of understanding and empathy
And generate a visible Rise-IN of kindness and love?

Neither helpless nor hopeless

We carry in us the opposite of devastate
We can build
We are risers
We raise hope
We rise up
We raise help
We rise IN

This fallout; millen-ium(s) of ignorance
Piled up debris of brokenness
Is the beginning of the end - of defeat

People are reeling from terrible things in this world
But in you is an incorruptible element
It endures beyond all things
It has no half life
It shares a whole life
It does not split but unites
It does not destroy but creates
It is the opposite of devastate

We have a clear urgency
We're solidifying
Cooling tempers and calming fears
Water and steam and fires of the heart

We're rising up
Pumping the waters of hope
From the endless sea
Come rise
Rise up with me

We are the opposite of devastate

I know 6billion reactors
Full of the electricity of hope

We are the epicentre of create.

We are the opposite of devastate.

It is time to elevate
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